Reading Guides

Stay Healthy & Sane During the Coronavirus Lockdown – Reading Guide

Stay Healthy Coronavirus Lockdown

Many of you are, I suppose, stuck at home due to lockdowns designed to minimize the spread of the Coronavirus…

The present lockdowns are not what any of us want, but they are what we need right now, and they will likely stretch on much longer than we want them to. How do we stay healthy and sane under this imposed social isolation? Here are a few ideas, and some reading recommendations for each idea.

Stay Healthy Coronavirus LockdownStay Healthy Coronavirus Lockdown


2) Get Good Sleep

Good sleep is a solid foundation on which staying healthy and sane can be built. And before the lockdowns, I suspect that many of us didn’t get enough sleep. 

The Harvard Medical School Guide to a Good Night’s Sleep

Lawrence Epstein

Put your sleep problems to rest with this proven six-step plan

How many times have you heard it’s important to get a good night’s sleep? It sounds simple, but it isn’t always easy. Now one of the nation’s leading sleep experts gives you a step-by-step program for overcoming sleep problems from insomnia and snoring to restless legs syndrome and sleep apnea.

Dr. Lawrence Epstein of Harvard Medical School reveals his proven six-step plan to maximize your nights and energize your days. He explains the health benefits of sleep and identifies signs of sleep problems as he gives in-depth advice on how to:

  • Turn your bedroom into the optimal sleep environment
  • Finally overcome insomnia
  • Silence buzz-saw snoring
  • Relax restless legs
  • Deal with daytime exhaustion
  • Determine if sleep medication is right for you
  • Improve your sleep by improving your child’s sleep


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