Poetry, VOLUME 12

Jami – Eight Poems by the Sufi Poet

Jami Poems

November 9 marks the anniversary of the death of the Sufi poet Jami …

We honor the occasion with five of our favorite poems by Jami …

Nūr ad-Dīn ‘Abd ar-Rahmān Jami (7 November 1414 – 9 November 1492) was a Persian Sunni poet who is known for his achievements as a prolific scholar and writer of mystical Sufi literature. He was primarily a prominent poet-theologian of the school of Ibn Arabi and a Khwājagānī Sũfī, recognized for his eloquence and for his analysis of the metaphysics of mercy. (via Wikipedia)

Self Dies in Love

Found in the book
The Persian Mystics: Jami
(Available as FREE Ebook on the page linked above)


“I shall roll up the carpet of life when I see,
Thy dear face again and shall cease to be
For self will be lost in that rapture, and all
The threads of my thought from my hand will fall;
Not me wilt thou find, for this self will have fled:
Thou wilt be my soul in mine own soul’s stead.
All thought of self will be swept from my mind,
And thee only thee, in my place shall I find;
More precious than heaven, than earth more dear,
Myself were forgotten if thou wert near.”

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