Dallas Willard Books – Seven Essential Titles to Read!

Yesterday, Dallas Willard passed into eternal glory. 


I hadn’t read many Dallas Willard books over the last decade, but prior to that they played very important role in my own formation.  As an aspiring philosopher myself at the time I was really digging into his work, I appreciated that he thought seriously and rigorously about following Christ, and that he was never afraid to ask hard questions.  I’ve appreciated hearing many stories over the last day of his gentleness and humility.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with the books of Dallas Willard, or who may have only read a book or two of his, here is a brief guide to his seven essential works by ERB editor Chris Smith.

Which books have you read?  Which have impacted you most?

Dallas Willard Books

The Divine Conspiracy: Rediscovering Our Hidden Life In God

For me, this is Willard’s masterpiece.  I read it at a crucial time, not long after I had graduated from college, and was in a period of seeking a faith that I could identify myself with.  Willard’s depiction of a vivacious gospel that stood in contrast to the burdensome “gospel of sin management” that I had grown up with, played a major role in drawing me into the abundant life of God’s kingdom. Following in the footsteps of Bonhoeffer’s THE COST OF DISCIPLESHIP, this book is a clarion call to take the life and teachings of Jesus seriously and to follow in his way. It also paints a compelling picture of the vibrant life we find as we do follow after Jesus.


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Reading for the Common Good
From ERB Editor Christopher Smith

"This book will inspire, motivate and challenge anyone who cares a whit about the written word, the world of ideas, the shape of our communities and the life of the church."
-Karen Swallow Prior

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  1. The two most influential for me were Renovation of the Heart and The Divine Conspiracy. Both have shaped my ministry as well as the trajectory of my personal life (I am in my current doctoral program in large part due to the change in thinking those two books caused in my life).
    Have also read Spirit of the Disciplines, Hearing God and listened to many lectures and talks.