Reading Guides, VOLUME 10

Ten Important Women Theologians To Start Reading

Women Theologians

In honor of Women’s History Month, here is our recommended list of women theologians whose books you should be reading and discussing.


One of the great challenges of the theological academy in the twenty-first century is that it is still dominated by males. We have reviewed many recent books by these women theologians and will continue to read and review their work.

NOTE: We are defining theology broadly here, to include biblical studies, ethics, etc.

See also:

Ten Essential Women Writers for Christian Readers

These women theologians are arranged in alphabetical order by their last names… 

Sarah Coakley

Sarah Anne Coakley is an Anglican systematic theologian and philosopher of religion with interdisciplinary interests. She is the Norris-Hulse Professor of Divinity at the University of Cambridge, and Professorial Fellow of Murray Edwards College, Cambridge.

Excerpt from God, Sexuality, and the Self: An Essay ‘On the Trinity’


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UPDATED JUNE 2024: To clean up formatting and SEO.

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