Reading Guides

Stay Healthy & Sane During the Coronavirus Lockdown – Reading Guide

Stay Healthy Coronavirus Lockdown

Many of you are, I suppose, stuck at home due to lockdowns designed to minimize the spread of the Coronavirus…

The present lockdowns are not what any of us want, but they are what we need right now, and they will likely stretch on much longer than we want them to. How do we stay healthy and sane under this imposed social isolation? Here are a few ideas, and some reading recommendations for each idea.

Stay Healthy Coronavirus Lockdown

11) Write More

In the earliest days of the epidemic, someone on Twitter recommended starting a daily journal during the Coronavirus epidemic. These are extraordinary times, and writing during them will leave a legacy for those who come after us. It doesn’t have to be a journal, it could be letters to friends or family. Getting hand-written letters might be a special, personal treat in these times of isolation.

From Heart to Hand: The Lost Art of a Written Letter

Kirstin Horvath

“Coming across letters while out pickin’ is always a personal experience for me. I love the look of aged paper, the hand-writing style, and effort it took to write and send. After reading “From Heart to Hand” you’ll want to get out the pen and pad and send a letter from your neighborhood post office.” Mike Wolfe – creator and star of American Pickers

“Here is a book filled with the life songs of a full heart, personally scripted with passion and deeper meaning. It is challenging to expose one’s inner workings in a way that reveals pure love, and Kristin distributes her letters with great care and flourish, each brimming with absolute appreciation. This book makes me want to send mail to my own web of supporting casts, in turn making the cathartic and cleansing diary that Kristin brings to us.” – Gary Gerson

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Reading for the Common Good
From ERB Editor Christopher Smith

"This book will inspire, motivate and challenge anyone who cares a whit about the written word, the world of ideas, the shape of our communities and the life of the church."
-Karen Swallow Prior

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