Reading Guides, Theology

Theology of the First Millennium – 12 Free Classics!

This Reading Guide on the Theology of the First Millennium is a follow-up to our guide on the Theology of the Early Christians. The works it contains span basically the years 300-1000 C.E. We include works of practical theology, as well as a couple of historical works that highlight how theology developed in this era.

Here are twelve classics from the first millennium of the church that are available as FREE ebooks!

*** Some of these books are contained within the massive
Ante-Nicene / Post-Nicene Church Fathers series (37 vol)
($2.99 for Kindle or
FREE in 37 separate PDF’s via CCEL) 

On The Priesthood

St. John Chrysostom

None of the Fathers of the early church is better known or loved than St John Chrysostom, and none of his works is more popular than On the Priesthood. Its stylistic brilliance demonstrates the appropriateness of St John’s enduring title, the golden-mouthed. Yet the rhetorical eloquence of the work is not simply camouflage for lack of substance. Chrysostom had a mind both practical and idealistic, that brought into close connection the evils and injustices of the world and the perfection of moral life demanded by the gospel. Chrysostom’s unique gift for linking concrete observation and theological vision is nowhere more evident that in On the Priesthood. Its presence helps to account for the work’s power to inspire and challenge Christians in all ages.


via Google Books
Look for the red FREE-EBOOK button 

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IMAGE: St. Athanasius (Credit Wikimedia Commons)

C. Christopher Smith is the founding editor of The Englewood Review of Books. He is also author of a number of books, including most recently How the Body of Christ Talks: Recovering the Practice of Conversation in the Church (Brazos Press, 2019). Connect with him online at:

Reading for the Common Good
From ERB Editor Christopher Smith

"This book will inspire, motivate and challenge anyone who cares a whit about the written word, the world of ideas, the shape of our communities and the life of the church."
-Karen Swallow Prior

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