Reading Guides, VOLUME 12

Sabbath Books – Best Reads for Christians on Rest and Sabbath!

Sabbath Best Christian Books

For the recent Labor Day holiday, we posted a list of the best Christian books on Labor, Work, and Vocation. But in the rhythms of Christian life, habits of Sabbath and rest are similarly important.  

Here are some very helpful Sabbath books for Christians

(and it’s probably more accurate to call these books for Christians, not Christian books, as some were written by Jews and people of other faiths) on Sabbath, rest, and leisure.

*** What books about Sabbath, rest, and leisure
would you add to this list?

Sabbath Best Christian BooksThe Sabbath World: Glimpses of a Different Order of Time

Judith Shulevitz


What is the Sabbath, anyway? The holy day of rest? The first effort to protect the rights of workers? A smart way to manage stress in a world in which computers never get turned off and work never comes to an end? Or simply an oppressive, outmoded rite? In The Sabbath World, Judith Shulevitz explores the Jewish and Christian day of rest, from its origins in the ancient world to its complicated observance in the modern one. Braiding ideas together with memories, Shulevitz delves into the legends, history, and philosophy that have grown up around a custom that has lessons for all of us, not just the religious. The shared day of nonwork has built communities, sustained cultures, and connected us to the memory of our ancestors and to our better selves, but it has also aroused as much resentment as love. The Sabbath World tells this surprising story together with an account of Shulevitz’s own struggle to keep this difficult, rewarding day.

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  1. Have you read 24/6 by Dr. Matthew Sleeth?

  2. Definitely would at The Rest of God by Mark Buchanan to this list!