For the recent Labor Day holiday, we posted a list of the best Christian books on Labor, Work, and Vocation. But in the rhythms of Christian life, habits of Sabbath and rest are similarly important.
Here are some very helpful Sabbath books for Christians
(and it’s probably more accurate to call these books for Christians, not Christian books, as some were written by Jews and people of other faiths) on Sabbath, rest, and leisure.
*** What books about Sabbath, rest, and leisure
would you add to this list?
Wrestling with Rest: Inviting Youth to Discover the Gift of SabbathNathan Stucky |
Busyness is a sickness of the soul that affects many today—and it is especially detrimental to young people, who are finding their identity shaped by ongoing resume-building, constant digital communication, and unceasing activity. The last thing they have time for is rest. But rest—Sabbath—is necessary for youth, not just because of who they are socially, emotionally, and physiologically, but because of who God has made them to be and wants them to be. Nathan Stucky shows that rest challenges youth whose identities are rooted in productivity, efficiency, achievement, and accomplishment. For them, the notion of Sabbath grace both appeals and disorients. Yet through the Sabbath, God invites young people into an identity rooted and grounded in the grace, life, and provision of God. Wrestling with Rest offers biblical and practical advice for helping youth to discover their God-given identity, in which they can truly find rest. *** READ AN EXCERPT that was published by Christianity Today |
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Have you read 24/6 by Dr. Matthew Sleeth?
Definitely would at The Rest of God by Mark Buchanan to this list!