Reading Guides, VOLUME 12

Sabbath Books – Best Reads for Christians on Rest and Sabbath!

Sabbath Best Christian Books

For the recent Labor Day holiday, we posted a list of the best Christian books on Labor, Work, and Vocation. But in the rhythms of Christian life, habits of Sabbath and rest are similarly important.  

Here are some very helpful Sabbath books for Christians

(and it’s probably more accurate to call these books for Christians, not Christian books, as some were written by Jews and people of other faiths) on Sabbath, rest, and leisure.

*** What books about Sabbath, rest, and leisure
would you add to this list?

Sabbath Best Christian BooksLiving the Sabbath: Discovering the Rhythms of Rest and Delight 

Norman Wirzba

Sabbath is one day a week when we should rest from our otherwise harried lives, right? In Living the Sabbath, Norman Wirzba leads us to a much more holistic and rewarding understanding of Sabbath-keeping. Wirzba shows how Sabbath is ultimately about delight in the goodness that God has made–in everything we do, every day of the week. With practical examples, Wirzba unpacks what that means for our daily lives at work, in our homes, in our economies, in school, in our treatment of creation, and in church. This book will appeal to clergy and laypeople alike and to all who are seeking ways to discover the transformative power of Sabbath in their lives today.

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Reading for the Common Good
From ERB Editor Christopher Smith

"This book will inspire, motivate and challenge anyone who cares a whit about the written word, the world of ideas, the shape of our communities and the life of the church."
-Karen Swallow Prior

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  1. Have you read 24/6 by Dr. Matthew Sleeth?

  2. Definitely would at The Rest of God by Mark Buchanan to this list!