
Lectionary Poetry – Trinity Sunday – 1st Sunday After Pentecost ( Year B )

Lectionary Poetry

We offer here a broad selection of classic and contemporary poems from diverse poets that stir our imaginations with thoughts of how the biblical text speaks to us in the twenty-first century. We hope that these poems will be fruitful not only for preachers who will be preaching these texts on the coming Sunday, but also for church members in the pews, as way to prime our minds for encountering the biblical texts.

“Freedom, justice, peace, and abiding joy (emerge)
when the poet comes, when the poet speaks,
when the preacher comes as poet.”

 – Walter Brueggemann

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Lectionary Poetry
Trinity Sunday
1st Sunday After Pentecost
 Year B

<<<<< Last Week’s Poems


Narrative Lectionary Reading:

*** The Narrative Lectionary takes a hiatus over
the summer, and will return after Labor Day


Revised Common Lectionary Readings:

Isaiah 6:1-8 >>> Lectionary Poems 

Psalm 29  >>>  Lectionary Poems 

Romans 8:12-17  >>>  Lectionary Poems 
John 3:1-17 >>> Lectionary Poems

POEMS >>>>>>


Reading for the Common Good
From ERB Editor Christopher Smith

"This book will inspire, motivate and challenge anyone who cares a whit about the written word, the world of ideas, the shape of our communities and the life of the church."
-Karen Swallow Prior

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