
Lectionary Poetry – 13th Sunday After Pentecost ( Year B )

Each week we carefully curate a collection of  poems that resonate with the lectionary readings for that week (Narrative Lectionary and Revised Common Lectionary).

*** Revised Common Lectionary ***

Lectionary Reading:
Proverbs 9:1-6



Wisdom Cometh With the Years
Countee Cullen

Now I am young and credulous,
My heart is quick to bleed
At courage in the tremulous
Slow sprouting of a seed.

Now I am young and sensitive,
Man’s lack can stab me through;
I own no stitch I would not give
To him that asked me to.

Now I am young and a fool for love,
My blood goes mad to see
A brown girl pass me like a dove
That flies melodiously.

Let me be lavish of my tears,
And dream that false is true;
Though wisdom cometh with the years,
The barren days come, too.

*** This poem is in the public domain, 
  and may be read in a live-streamed worship service.



Alicia Ostriker


It’s not that the old are wise
But that we thirst for the wisdom

we had at twenty
when we understood everything



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