Conversations, News, VOLUME 12

Ernest Gaines – Remembering a Great American Writer – Obituary

Ernest Gaines Obituary

Ernest Gaines, one of America’s most underappreciated novelists, died yesterday at the age of 86. We remember his life and honor his work with this obituary …

Three Ernest Gaines novels
to start with:

2. The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman

“This is a novel in the guise of the  tape-recorded recollections of a black woman who has  lived 110 years, who has been both a slave and a  witness to the black militancy of the 1960’s. In this  woman Ernest Gaines has created a legendary figure,  a woman equipped to stand beside William  Faulkner’s Dilsey in The Sound And The  Fury.” Miss Jane Pittman, like Dilsey, has  ‘endured,’ has seen almost everything and foretold the  rest. Gaines’ novel brings to mind other  great works The Odyssey for the way  his heroine’s travels manage to summarize the  American history of her race, and Huckleberry  Finn for the clarity of her voice, for  her rare capacity to sort through the mess of years  and things to find the one true story in it all.”  — Geoffrey Wolff, Newsweek.


Reading for the Common Good
From ERB Editor Christopher Smith

"This book will inspire, motivate and challenge anyone who cares a whit about the written word, the world of ideas, the shape of our communities and the life of the church."
-Karen Swallow Prior

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