Poetry, VOLUME 12

Edna St. Vincent Millay – Five of our Favorite Poems !

October 19 marks the anniversary of the death of poet Edna St. Vincent Millay …

Edna St. Vincent Millay (February 22, 1892 – October 19, 1950) was an American poet and playwright, whose poems received the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1923, the third woman to win the award for poetry,  and was also known for her feminist activism. The poet Richard Wilbur asserted, “She wrote some of the best sonnets of the century.” (via Wikipedia)

We honor the occasion with five excellent poems by her…

*** Books by Edna St. Vincent Millay


The Philosopher
Edna St. Vincent Millay

Found in:
POEMS (1923)
(FREE Ebook Available via Project Gutenberg)

And what are you that, wanting you,
I should be kept awake
As many nights as there are days
With weeping for your sake?

And what are you that, missing you,
As many days as crawl
I should be listening to the wind
And looking at the wall?

I know a man that’s a braver man
And twenty men as kind,
And what are you, that you should be
The one man in my mind?

Yet women’s ways are witless ways,
As any sage will tell,–
And what am I, that I should love
So wisely and so well?

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IMAGE CREDIT: Thomas Traherne (Stained Glass at Hereford Cathedral by Tom Denny). Creative Commons License via Wikimedia Commons.


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