
Alexander Pushkin – Eight Favorite Poems by the Russian Poet

June 6 marks the birthday of Russian poet Alexander Pushkin …

We honor the occasion with five of our favorite poems by Alexander Pushkin …


The North Wind

Alexander Pushkin


Found in the book
Poems by Alexander Pushkin
Ivan Panin, trans.
(Available as FREE Ebook

Why, O wrathful north wind, thou
The marshy shrub dost downward bend?
Why thus in the distant sky-vault
Wrathfully the cloud dost chase?

The black clouds but recently
Had spread the whole heavens o’er,
The oak on hill top but recently
In beauty wondrous itself was priding.

Thou hast risen, and up hast played,
With terror resounded, and with splendor–
And away are driven the stormy clouds;
Down is hurled the mighty oak.

Let now then the sun’s clear face
With joy henceforth ever shine,
With the clouds now the zephyr play,
And the bush in quiet sway.

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