Worst Christian Book Covers of 2013!

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#1 – [easyazon-link asin=”1940163048″ locale=”us”]Amish Vampires in Space[/easyazon-link]

[easyazon-image align=”center” asin=”1940163048″ locale=”us” height=”500″ src=”http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51u4%2BWRJ0EL.jpg” width=”324″]

Feeling the heat of the coming Oregon Trail trend, Amish novel writers decide to spice things up just a wee bit.
(Submitted by Alex Dye )

<<< Back to #2 | To Top of List >>>

Which of these Worst Christian Book Covers is your favorite???


C. Christopher Smith is the founding editor of The Englewood Review of Books. He is also author of a number of books, including most recently How the Body of Christ Talks: Recovering the Practice of Conversation in the Church (Brazos Press, 2019). Connect with him online at: C-Christopher-Smith.com

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  1. I did this cover


    #10… really… that was totally an author based concept and the book is about a “watered-down gospel” read what the book is about before you make judgment on the cover…. I don’t know if any of you guys know what its like to work in a publishing company but its not all about artistic freedom, when it comes to design or concept, if you’re going to make a list about bad book covers, at least make it a good list and not put covers on here that are actually well designed. HONESTLY! What are you, a 1st year web-design student with no design or real world experience???

    Your second rate list is nothing compared to this list of REAL BAD, BOOK COVERS: http://lousybookcovers.tumblr.com

    Plus, how could you have #10 listed as a bad book cover but then this one listed as a good one…. https://englewoodreview.org/best-book-covers-of-2012/4/

    …. seriously…..


    • Maybe that’s the problem, the publishing business needs to have a higher regard for artistic freedom. When designers are given more freedom, you get better book covers. You may finish crying to mother, she still loves you despite your bad book cover.

    • The copywriting for the cover was awful and paradoxical. If this bottle is offering “Christianity Lite,” why would it be saying to stop drinking a watered down gospel. Water doesn’t come in green bottles, so this is either Sprite or beer; however, there is no carbonation in the liquid and it is not the right color for either. The typefaces do not go together, the label looks nothing like a beer or soda label (or water, for that matter). The triple outline of the circular backdrop of the logo does not serve a purpose (think form AND function and please, please, please study design history, especially the evolution that began with modernism). The embossing on the glass is not good, at all, and stylistically conflicts with the other styles presented on the cover. Consistency, darling. No need to get all pissy because someone has something bad to say about your design, that’s terrible for learning. Especially if you’re rebuttal is trying to shift attention to someone else’s cover.

      I will also add that the cover you posted had a sans-serif typeface that could have been better for the title, yes, but worked with the style of the cover. There is a basic allusion to the content of the book that also provides color without overwhelming a viewer. The drop shadow on the title is unnecessary and the areas of dark type could have been dialed back a bit. It’s a very simple cover, and overall is better than a lot of Christian book covers. Still much better than yours.

  2. Evangelist K L Rich

    I believe in never judging a book by its cover. However, I would like to introduce everyone to my new book, “The Weight of Weights” by K L Rich available on my website at http://www.klrich.net. What weights do you need to release?