Poetry, Volume 9

Rumi Poems – Eight of Our Favorites by the Sufi Mystic

Rumi poems

Tomorrow (Dec. 17) marks the anniversary of the death of the Sufi poet Rumi. 
Here are eight of our favorite Rumi poems … Rumi has become renowned for his ecstatic love poetry which is often infused with spiritual themes.


Brad Gooch’s biography
of Rumi


(trans. by William Hastie)

O soul, if thou, too, wouldst be free,
Then love the Love that shuts thee in.
‘Tis Love that twisteth every snare;
‘Tis Love that snaps the bond of sin;
Love sounds the Music of the Spheres;
Love echoes through Earth’s harshest din.

The world is God’s pure mirror clear,
To eyes when free from clouds within.
With Love’s own eyes the Mirror view,
And there see God to self akin.

Rumi Poetry
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