Reading Guides

Michelangelo Biographies – Best Books on the Renaissance Artist!

Michelangelo Biographies

Yesterday (February 18) marked the anniversary of Michelangelo’s death (1564)…

In remembrance of the great Renaissance artist, we offer this list of the best Michelangelo biographies … 

Michelangelo Biographies

The Agony and the Ecstasy: A Biographical Novel of Michelangelo

Irving Stone

Irving Stone’s classic biographical novel of Michelangelo—the #1 New York Times bestseller in which both the artist and the man are brought to vivid, captivating life.

His time—the turbulent Renaissance, the years of poisoning princes, warring Popes, and the all-powerful de’Medici family…

His loves—the frail and lovely daughter of Lorenzo de’Medici, the ardent mistress of Marco Aldovrandi, and his last love, his greatest love—the beautiful, unhappy Vittoria Colonna…

His genius—a God-driven fury from which he wrested brilliant work that made a grasp for heaven unmatched in half a millennium…

His name—Michelangelo Buonarroti. Creator of the David, painter of the ceiling in the Sistine Chapel, architect of the dome of St. Peter’s, Michelangelo lives once more in the tempestuous, powerful pages of Irving Stone’s towering triumph. A masterpiece in its own right, this biographical novel offers a compelling portrait of one of the greatest artists the world has ever known.


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