Reading Guides

Ivan Illich Quotes – Provocative Words from one of the Wisest Social Critics!

Ivan Illich Quotes

This week marks the birthday (Sept. 4) of Ivan Illich, one of the wisest social critics of the twentieth century!

Here are a few provocative Ivan Illich quotes that are representative of some of his best known works.

We encourage you to read some of the books, as they offer a deeper exploration of the provocative ideas introduced in these quotes.


The Church, Change,
And Development


( This book is available as a
FREE PDF ebook at the above link!)

“In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God:  the perfect communication of god eternally consubstantial with Himself.  To communicate Himself perfectly to man God had to assume a nature which was not His, without ceasing to be what He was.  Under this light the Incarnation is the infinite prototype of missionary activity, the communication of the gospel to those who are ‘other,’  through Him who entered a World by nature not His own.  The closer the pattern of a human life approximates this aspect of the ‘Kenosis’ of the Word the more can that vocation be called a missionary one.”

The Essay from which this essay was taken, Missional Poverty, 
is available to read on our website here… 

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One Comment

  1. Having to jump to the next page after every two quotes is a nuisance. I realize you’re trying to maximize your ad revenue by this tactic, but I doubt Ivan Illich would approve.