Dec. 18 – Eugene Vodolazkin – Brisbane[Advent Calendar]

The Englewood Review of Books
Best Books of 2022
Advent Calendar
December 18


A Novel

Eugene Vodolazkin

Hardback:Plough, 2022
Buy Now: [  IndieBound ] [  Amazon ]  [ Kindle ]  [ Audible ]
In 1965, Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel delivered an address to the General Assembly of the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds. One of his admonitions found in Heschel’s book Moral Grandeur and Spiritual Audacity is that “intellectual aid” was the most pressing need that General Assembly could attempt to address” (18-32). The intellectual aid of Torah that Rabbi Heschel advocated was at the same time a spiritual aid. In Brisbane, Vodolazkin challenges the Western spiritual measures of success. Gleb might argue that this measure is in two four, the two beats being the past and the present. “There aren’t that many meters that correspond to human rhythms,” one character observes” (301). While that may be true, Vodolazkin has listened carefully to that rhythm. Brisbane is a worthy addition to Eugene Vodolazkin’s oeuvre, each work further proof that maestro is no exaggerated nor unearned title for him.

From our review of this novel by G.W. Currier
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*** LISTEN to an excerpt from this novel via Plough Quarterly…



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