Poetry, VOLUME 12

Carl Sandburg: Five Favorite Poems

Today (July 22) marks the anniversary of the death of poet Carl Sandburg…

We honor the occasion with five of our favorite poems by him…

Death Snips Proud Men
Carl Sandburg

Found in:
Smoke and Steel
(Available as FREE Ebook on the page linked above)

Death is stronger than all the governments because
     the governments are men and men die and then
     death laughs: Now you see ’em now you don’t.

Death is stronger than all proud men and so death
     snips proud men on the nose, throws a pair of
     dice and says: Read ’em and weep.

Death sends a radiogram every day: When I want
     you I’ll drop in — and then one day he comes with a
     master-key and lets himself in and says:      We’ll
go now.

Death is a nurse mother with big arms: ‘Twon’t hurt
     you at all; it’s your time now; you just need a
     long sleep, child; what have you had anyhow
     better than sleep?

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From ERB Editor Christopher Smith

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