Featured Reviews, VOLUME 5

Best Book Covers of 2012

#10 [easyazon-link asin=”1594487944″ locale=”us”]No One is Here Except All of Us by Ramona Ausubel[/easyazon-link]

[easyazon-image align=”center” asin=”1594487944″ locale=”us” height=”500″ src=”http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51PcWEkAthL.jpg” width=”333″]


Reviewed in our Lent Print Issue…


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  1. I love Chris Ware’s artwork.

  2. Um, I think this book cover is appallingly bad. The title is difficult to read and the cover gives what I assume is the wrong impression about the content of the book (it’s difficult to tell because the cover is so confusing I’m not sure what the book is about). As a piece of abstract art I’m sure it’s great, as a book cover it sucks. Most readers would pass it by before they could decipher the title.