News, Theology

Ten Theology Books to Watch For – October 2024

Here are some excellent new theology books * that will be released in October 2024 :

* broadly interpreted, including ethics, church history, biblical studies, and other areas that intersect with theology

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The Church: A Guide to the People of God

Brad East

(Lexham Press)

You belong to God’s family. But do you understand what that means?

The Bible tells the story of God and his people. But it is not merely history. It is our story. Abraham is our father. And Israel’s freedom from slavery is ours.

Brad East traces the story of God’s people, from father Abraham to the coming of Christ. He shows how we need the scope of the entire Bible to fully grasp the mystery of the church. The church is not a building but a body. It is not peripheral or optional in the life of faith. Rather, it is the very beating heart of God’s story, where our needs and hopes are found.

Bargain Theology Books

Trust in Atonement: God, Creation, and Reconciliation

Teresa Morgan

( Eerdmans )

A fresh exploration of atonement, rooted in the theology of trust

Atonement—the restoration of right relationship with God, which God has made possible for humanity through Christ—is the good news of Christianity. How ought Christians think about the epicenter of salvation history?

Teresa Morgan takes up this longstanding question and—in a significant departure from both classical and modern theologians—proposes new answers that are rooted in the concept of trust (pistis). Weaving together exegesis and theology, sociology and psychology, Morgan defines atonement as the restoration of trust between God and humanity through the trust and trustworthiness of Jesus Christ. Her model has important implications for Christians’ understanding of sin, suffering, and the possibility of forgiveness and restoration of trust among human beings.

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Reading for the Common Good
From ERB Editor Christopher Smith

"This book will inspire, motivate and challenge anyone who cares a whit about the written word, the world of ideas, the shape of our communities and the life of the church."
-Karen Swallow Prior

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