Michael Budde, Editor
Cascade Books
He has captured the imagination of people around the world, including those who thought they were “done with” Christianity. In ways no one could have expected and no one predicted, Pope Francis has become a living example of what it might mean to be a Christian in our time and place. The modern world was not ready for Pope Francis, but as has been demonstrated–in his travels to the United States and around the world, in his calls for mercy and defense of the vulnerable–Pope Francis was ready for the modern world.
New World Pope: Pope Francis and the Future of the Church explores how Jorge Mario Bergoglio became Pope Francis–the ideas, experiences, influences, and passions that have formed this pastor who has inspired, challenged, encouraged, and angered people worldwide. Ten experts from around the world–scholars, journalists, church leaders, and others–provide insights into the origins and trajectories of Pope Francis’ vision and hopes for the Christian community in our day. Persons intrigued by Pope Francis will find deeper insights into his witness via this exploration of the roots and trajectories of his sense of Christian mission and discipleship.
[easyazon_image align=”center” height=”500″ identifier=”1506418481″ locale=”US” src=”https://englewoodreview.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/41Jnmw3y9WL.jpg” tag=”douloschristo-20″ width=”318″]
[easyazon_link identifier=”1506418481″ locale=”US” tag=”douloschristo-20″]The Life, Works, and Witness of Tsehay Tolessa and Gudina Tumsa, the Ethiopian Bonhoeffer[/easyazon_link]
S. Deressa / S. Hinlicky Wilson
Fortress Press
This book opens a window into the lives and extraordinary witness of a Christian couple whose faithful life of service has earned the moniker of Ethopia’s Bonhoeffer.
In Part One, the reader encounters the extant writings of Gudina Tumsa. Gudina’s ideas were by no means silenced by his murder. If anything, quite the opposite, as is so often the case with martyrs.
Part Two is a highly personal account of Gudina and Tsehay’s life, witness, and sufferings. Aud Saeveras, a Norwegian missionary working with her husband in Ethiopia, got to know Tsehay during her many years in prison, often bringing her food. After Tsehay was finally released, Saeveras encouraged her to report the truth about what had happened. The result was this memoir, first written in Norwegian, then translated into German, and now for the first time in English. Saeveras frames the story, but most of the words are Tsehay’.
This collection concludes with an essay by Samuel Yonas Deressa on the impact that Gudina’s vision has had on the EECMY and the formation of the Gudina Tumsa Foundation with its various scholarly and development activities. Gudina lives on in the many Ethiopian Christians who continue to be inspired by his life and witness.