Podcast Episode 35: John Swinton and Andrew Root

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ERB Editor C. Christopher Smith sits in the host chair to speak with two outstanding first-time podcast guests: John Swinton and Andrew (Andy) Root. As we enter into the season of Advent, this time where Christians are challenged to learn to wait on God, today’s episode explores the nature of what it means to wait, and more broadly how we learn to reimagine how we understand and live faithfully within time. Chris, John, and Andy have a sharp and philosophically-informed discussion on our experience of time, modernity, and the social concepts of “acceleration” and “resonance.”

John Swinton is professor of theology at the University of Aberdeen, and author of numerous books. Some listeners may remember that we ran an interview last year with John about his book, Finding Jesus in the Storm: The Spiritual Lives of People with Mental Health Challenges. However, today’s conversation will highlight an earlier book of John’s: Becoming Friends of Time: Disability, Timefullness, and Gentle Discipleship.

Andrew Root is professor at Luther Seminary, and author of, among other books, The Congregation in a Secular Age: Keeping Sacred Time against the Speed of Modern Life, the third and final book in his Ministry in a Secular Age series, which engages Charles Taylor’s A Secular Age, exploring what Taylor’s work might mean for our life together in the church.

Books & Writing Mentioned in this Episode:

If you’d like to order any of the following books, we encourage you to do so from Hearts and Minds Books(An independent bookstore in Dallastown, PA, run by Byron and Beth Borger) 

  • Becoming Friends of Time: Discipleship, Timefullness & Gentle Discipleship by John Swinton
  • Finding Jesus in the Storm: The Spiritual Lives of Christians with Mental Health Challenges by John Swinton
  • The Congregation in a Secular Age: Keeping Sacred Time Against the Speed of Modern Life by Andrew Root
  • A Secular Age by Charles Taylor
  • A Geography of Time: The Temporal Misadventures of a Social Psychologist by Robert Levine
  • Alienation and Acceleration: Towards a Critical Theory of Late-Modern Temporality by Hartmut Rosa
  • Social Acceleration: A New Theory of Modernity by Hartmut Rosa
  • The Uncontrollability of the World by Hartmut Rosa & James Wagner
  • Three Mile and Hour God by Kosuke Koyama
  • The Soul of Care: The Moral Education of a Husband and a Doctor by Arthur Kleinman
  • The Complete Mystical Words of Meister Eckhart

If you’d like to order any of the following books,
we encourage you to do so from 
Hearts and Minds Books
(An independent bookstore in Dallastown, PA, run by Byron and Beth Borger)

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