
Mary Oliver Essays – 10 Prose Selections to Read for Free Online!

Mary Oliver Essays

Today, September 10, is the birthday of Mary Oliver, the late poet and nature writer!

In addition to being a renowned poet, she also published numerous essays. A collection of many of these Mary Oliver essays was published in 2016: Upstream: Selected Essays.

In honor of Mary Oliver’s birthday, we offer the following list of ten of the finest Mary Oliver essays that can be read online (a few of these are not the full essay, but a significant excerpt)!

Enjoy these essays!!!

Video Clips of
Mary Oliver
Reading Her Poems

Of Power and Time

Published in Upstream: Selected Essays
Via Google Books

It is a silver morning like any other. I am at my desk. Then the phone rings, or someone raps at the door. I am deep in the machinery of my wits. Reluctantly I rise, I answer the phone or I open the door. And the thought which I had in hand, or almost in hand, is gone. Creative work needs solitude. It needs concentration, without interruptions. It needs the whole sky to fly in, and no eye watching until it comes to that certainty which it aspires to, but does not necessarily have at once. Privacy, then. A place apart — to pace, to chew pencils, to scribble and erase and scribble again.

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