Tomorrow (December 8th) marks the birthday of the most important missiologists, Lesslie Newbigin. In honor of the occasion, we offer this introductory reading guide to his work.
We’ve ordered this list in the order that we think the books should be read, and we offer a brief explanation of why each book was included. We’ve included excerpts of most the books via Google Books.
1) The Open Secret: An Introduction to the Theology of Mission
Aimed at bringing contemporary concerns in mission theology to a wide-reading public, this volume flows from Newbigin’s extensive experience in the mission field and from lectures developed especially to prepare men and women for missionary service. Newbigin describes the Christian mission as the declaration of an open secret—open in that it is preached to all nations, secret in that it is manifest only to the eyes of faith. The result is a thoroughly biblical attempt to lead the church to embrace its Christ-given task of presenting the gospel in our complex modern world.
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Image Credit: From the cover of Newbigin’s book Unfinished Agenda: An Updated Autobiography [ Buy Now ]
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