Reading Guides, VOLUME 11

John O’Donohue – Introduction to His Work!

TODAY (Jan. 4) marks the anniversary of the death of John O’Donohue, the celebrated Irish poet and philosopher.

In honor of the occasion, we offer a series of brief video clips that introduce his work…

*** Books by John O’Donohue


Beauty 2016 – Our Election Meditation
that draws on John O’Donohue’s work…


The On Being Interview:

*** The VERY Best intro to O’Donohue’s work!!!

The Inner Landscape of Beauty

No conversation we’ve ever done has been more beloved than this one. The Irish poet, theologian, and philosopher insisted on beauty as a human calling. He had a very Celtic, lifelong fascination with the inner landscape of our lives and with what he called “the invisible world” that is constantly intertwining what we can know and see. This was one of the last interviews he gave before his unexpected death in 2008. But John O’Donohue’s voice and writings continue to bring ancient mystical wisdom to modern confusions and longings.


(POPS in New Window)


NEXT >>>>>>
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Image Credit: Still from John O’Donohue at Greenbelt (YOUTUBE)


Reading for the Common Good
From ERB Editor Christopher Smith

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