News, Theology

Fifteen Important Theology Books of 2023!

As the end of 2023 draws near, we highlight some of the most important theology books released this year…

Some of these theology books will appear on our Advent calendar of 2023’s Best Books (and no, we won’t reveal here which ones will be on that list)… 

We feature our theology book of the year first, and after that the remaining book are in alphabetical order by the author/editor’s last name….  

 *** What one book would you add to this list?

Christ Among the Classes: The Rich, the Poor, and the Mission of the Church 

Al Tizon

(Orbis Books)

[ Buy Now ]

“There’s a great amount of talk about justice in the larger Church. This is good and ought to be affirmed. Yet, this can also be a challenge because the topic of justice can simply be reduced to an event or a conference. In Al Tizon’s latest book, Christ Among the Classes, Tizon invites us to a deeper probe and examination of the root and consequences of classism – a subject often neglected in the pursuit of justice. In this book, he offers one of the most helpful definitions of classism and how this fundamentally impacts the “the poor” – and the imbalance or lack of mutuality in relationships between the haves and have nots. Be warned, this is not a feel good, fuzzy book. It’s challenging, prophetic, and disruptive and yet, calls the reader – and the Church – to deeper self examination of classism, but all while calling us to follow and embody Christ. This is a challenging book but make no mistake about it, this is a must read.”
— Rev. Eugene Cho, President/CEO, Bread for the World




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Reading for the Common Good
From ERB Editor Christopher Smith

"This book will inspire, motivate and challenge anyone who cares a whit about the written word, the world of ideas, the shape of our communities and the life of the church."
-Karen Swallow Prior

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