Here are 5 Free Ebooks for Kindle that are worth checking out:
These were taken from Amazon’s Kindle Bestsellers List.
For most of these, I have no idea when (or if) the book will cease to be free…
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FREE EBOOK! Reading for the Common Good From ERB Editor Christopher Smith "This book will inspire, motivate and challenge anyone who cares a whit about the written word, the world of ideas, the shape of our communities and the life of the church." -Karen Swallow Prior Enter your email below to sign up for our weekly newsletter & download your FREE copy of this ebook! |
Understanding Christian Nationalism [A Reading Guide] |
Most Anticipated Books of the Fall for Christian Readers! |
Hilarious One-Star Customer Reviews of Bibles |
Anne of Green Gables is also free on audiobook today. YA Sync is a summer audiobook promotion that pairs a current young adult book with a classic young adult book. They are free for a week (Thursday to Wednesday). So for today Anne of Green Gables is still free at
Last week was Hiding Place.