Conversations, Reading Guides, VOLUME 12

Evangelicalism – Ten Books for Assessing its Present and Future

Evangelicalism Future Books

This week, Alan Jacobs published a provocative piece in The Atlantic, suggesting that perhaps we have reached the end of evangelicalism …

He concludes the piece:

Just before the past presidential election, I argued that the proper response to those who have stolen our religious identity is to “steal it back.” But since then, I have come to doubt whether that’s possible. This strange and inadvertent conspiracy of Trump supporters and journalists may have put an end to a useful term that once described a vital tradition in the Christian faith. The question of who is and who is not an evangelical should matter to everyone concerned with American politics and the American social order; it matters especially to those who wonder how we got here. But it might not matter much longer. (emphasis added).

In order to evaluate Jacobs’s proposal, we need to have a rich understanding of evangelicalism that draws upon history, theology, and sociology.  Here are ten recent (or soon-to-be-released) books that can help us to cultivate this broad sort of understanding, and to discern the future of evangelicalism (or the movement-formerly-known-as-evangelicalism).

Evangelicalism Future BooksEvangelicals: Who They Have Been, Are Now, and Could Be

Mark Noll, David Bebbington, Geroge Marsden, Eds.

*** Coming November 2019!
The past, present, and future of a movement in crisis

What exactly do we mean when we say “evangelical”?  How should we understand this many-sided world religious phenomenon? How do recent American politics change that understanding?

Three scholars have been vital to our understanding of evangelicalism for the last forty years: Mark Noll, whose Scandal of the Evangelical Mind identified an earlier crisis point for American evangelicals; David Bebbington, whose “Bebbington Quadrilateral” remains the standard characterization of evangelicals used worldwide; and George Marsden, author of the groundbreaking Fundamentalism and American Culture: The Shaping of Twentieth-Century Evangelicalism. Now, in Evangelicals, they combine key earlier material concerning the history of evangelicalism with their own new contributions about present controversies and also with fresh insights from other scholars. The result begins as a survey of how evangelicalism has been evaluated, but then leads into a discussion of the movement’s perils and promise today.

Evangelicals provides an illuminating look at who evangelicals are, how evangelicalism has changed over time, and how evangelicalism continues to develop in sometimes surprising ways.



Introduction: One Word but Three Crises Mark A. Noll

Part I: The History of “Evangelical History”

1. The Evangelical Denomination George Marsden

2. The Nature of Evangelical Religion David Bebbington

3. The Essential Evangelicalism Dialectic: The Historiography of the Early Neo-Evangelical Movement and the Observer-ParticipantDilemma Douglas A. Sweeney

4. Evangelical Constituencies in North America and the World Mark Noll

5. The Evangelical Discovery of History David W. Bebbington

6. Roundtable: Re-examining David Bebbington’s “Quadrilateral Thesis” Charlie Phillips, Kelly Cross Elliott, Thomas S. Kidd, AmandaPorterfield, Darren Dochuk, Mark A. Noll, Molly Worthen, and David W. Bebbington

7. Evangelicals and Unevangelicals: The Contested History of a Word Linford D. Fisher

Part II: The Current Crisis: Looking Back

8. A Strange Love? Or: How White Evangelicals Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Donald Michael S. Hamilton

9. Live by the Polls, Die by the Polls D. G. Hart

10. Donald Trump and Militant Evangelical Masculinity Kristin Kobes Du Mez

11. The “Weird” Fringe Is the Biggest Part of White Evangelicalism Fred Clark

Part III: The Current Crisis: Assessment

12. Is the Term “Evangelical” Redeemable? Thomas S. Kidd

13. Can Evangelicalism Survive Donald Trump? Timothy Keller

14. How to Escape from Roy Moore’s Evangelicalism Molly Worthen

15. Are Black Christians Evangelicals? Jemar Tisby

16. To Be or Not to Be an Evangelical Brian C. Stiller

Part IV: Historians Seeking Perspective

17. On Not Mistaking One Part for the Whole: The Future of American Evangelicalism in a Global PerspectiveGeorge Marsden

18. Evangelicals and Recent Politics in Britain David Bebbington

19. World Cup or World Series? Mark Noll

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Reading for the Common Good
From ERB Editor Christopher Smith

"This book will inspire, motivate and challenge anyone who cares a whit about the written word, the world of ideas, the shape of our communities and the life of the church."
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