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Ebook Deal of the Day! Dorothy Sayers – Letters to a Diminished Church – $3.99

Our Kindle Ebook Deal of the Day…

Letters to a Diminished Church: Passionate Arguments for the Relevance of Christian Doctrine
Dorothy Sayers

*** $3.99 ***
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In her dynamic and sharp writings, Dorothy L. Sayers turned the popular perception of Christianity on its head. She argues that the essence of Christianity is in the character of Christ—energetic, dramatic, and utterly alive. This collection of sixteen brilliant essays reveals Sayers, at her best—a powerful view of Christianity as startling and relevant as it was 50 years ago.

An outspoken defender of Christian orthodoxy, Dorothy L. Sayers discusses Christian theology with brilliance and wit. A British scholar, author, and staunch Christian, Sayers brings theology vividly to life by showing how the Bible, history, literature, and modern science fit together to make religion not only possible but necessary in our time. Each essay is a concise, perceptive examination of the topic at hand. The book:

Includes sixteen essays on a variety of topics addressing core beliefs, the image of God, the problem of sin and evil, and more

“The devil should stand alert, for Sayers is one of his foremost adversaries.”

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Reading for the Common Good
From ERB Editor Christopher Smith

"This book will inspire, motivate and challenge anyone who cares a whit about the written word, the world of ideas, the shape of our communities and the life of the church."
-Karen Swallow Prior

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