Dec. 7 – Jonathan Tran – Asian Americans and The Spirit of Racial Capitalism [Advent Calendar]

The Englewood Review of Books
Best Books of 2022
Advent Calendar
December 7


*** Best Theology Book of 2022!!!

Asian Americans and the Spirit of Racial Capitalism

Jonathan Tran

Paperback: Oxford UP, 2021
Buy Now: [ IndieBound ] [ Amazon ]  [ Kindle ]
“At once provocative and measured, Tran’s book is a feat: a careful argument that is also a bombshell. He shows us the insidious way capitalism breeds competition amongst the exploited, but also how Christian theology, in conversation with Marxism, imagines a hope beyond racial capitalism. I am still reeling from reading this.”
 – James K.A. Smith
In this new book, Jonathan Tran has delivered our racially-charged, politicized age a healing balm. As many have pointed out, it goes a long way in carving out hopeful, and radical, alternatives to what has become corporate, progressive anti-racist strategies that root themselves in abstracted notions of “racial identity.” He does an excellent job depicting how racism in America is inherently and historically tied to political economy, and anti-racism efforts that tend to ignore or downplay this (via identity politics, DEI strategies, representation, etc.) inadvertently end up perpetuating problems of binary racialization, while also “marginalizing those already marginalized by racism” (292).
 – from our review by Joshua Livingston
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*** WATCH an introductory conversation about this book…


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