Dec. 7 – Eliza Griswold – Circle of Hope [Advent Calendar]

The Englewood Review of Books
Best Books of 2024
Advent Calendar
December 7


Circle of Hope:
A Reckoning with Love, Power, and Justice in an American Church

Eliza Griswold

Hardback: FSG Books, 2024
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I’m sure there are reviews of Eliza Griswold’s book that think the takeaway message is “See, that’s what happens when churches go woke!” or “That’s what happens when you make church about race and LGBTQ issues!” But that’s not the story of Circle of Hope.

Circle’s commitments to being a true community that is attuned to justice issues made it an ideal candidate for tackling challenging topics. For too many churches the ideal seems to be entertainment and inspiration within the context of relative anonymity. To really be a community involves risk and difficult conversations.

It also takes time. Lots of time. And patience and forbearance. Tackling these topics in the midst of a leadership transition or a global pandemic is a recipe for failure. Taking a pivotal and timely issue like the George Floyd protests and trying to force a conversation about anti-racism is challenging at best. Once the immediate moment passes, generating the necessary energy is difficult.

Some of the leaders pushed too hard, too fast, and didn’t care who got hurt in their pursuit of justice. I’m reminded of Bonhoeffer’s warnings in Life Together. When we try to create community in our own strength, we don’t do it well. Community, he tells us, is a gift from God.

Circle of Hope is an excellent and compelling book that deserves all the praise it’s been receiving. Reading it, one can viscerally sense things coming apart for the congregation.

But one can also look more deeply into the story. There are many points along the way where a fresh path forward to deal with issues of race were evident, what we could call “roads not taken.” Maybe a heightened sense of trust among the leaders that wasn’t worked out over countless Zoom meetings might have set the stage for fruitful dialogue. Even though the congregation doesn’t survive as planned, hope yet remains.
 – John W. Hawthorne
[ from our review ]


*** LISTEN to a conversation with Eliza Griswold about this book…


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