Dec. 4 – Chanequa Walker-Barnes – I Bring the Voices…[Advent Calendar]

The Englewood Review of Books
Best Books of 2019
Advent Calendar
December 4


I Bring the Voices of My People:
A Womanist Vision for Racial Reconciliation

Chanequa Walker-Barnes

Paperback: Eerdmans, 2018
Buy Now: [ Amazon ] [ Kindle ]
“This beautifully written, sensitively personal, and analytically precise text may be the best book we have on racial reconciliation.”
– Willie James Jennings, Yale Divinity School

“I think the womanist view of racial reconciliation is to first recognize the full complexity of racism. It does not see racism primarily as an interpersonal issue about a lack of friendships between white people and people of color. It doesn’t say that the problem of racism is too much separation between whites and people of color. Rather, a womanist view really sees racism as a systemic issue that is woven throughout our society, and it’s also linked with other forms of oppression such that it impacts different people differently.

The other difference, I think, is that womanism centers the framework for reconciliation on the victims of racism. Womanism is a school of thought that centers the perspective of black women in particular. So in racism, womanism says that the primary issue in racism is not white people feeling like they don’t have black friends, but it’s really about the harm that’s been done to people of color, both external and internal.”


*** WATCH a talk based on this book



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