Dec. 26 – Courtney Ellis – Looking Up [Advent Calendar]

The Englewood Review of Books
Best Books of 2024
Advent Calendar – Bonus Day
December 26


Looking Up:
A Birder’s Guide to Hope Through Grief

Courtney Ellis

Paperback: IVP Books, 2024
Buy Now: [ BookShop ] [ Amazon ] [ Kindle
“With attentiveness to the world around us, we see those deeper truths (Ellis references Lewis and Narnia’s “deeper magic”). In approaching the world with openness, we see unexpected joy and hope. Ellis writes about birds, but Looking Up is about more than avian habits or feather patterning. It highlights the necessity of actually seeing, particularly during our tribulations. Ellis writes, “I watch the birds and God watches me and I remember that we are seen and loved and held and never abandoned” (214). This is the point to which Ellis – through her birds, her family, her candor – wants to illustrate. We all go through grief. We all go through dark times. But we can choose what to look at. When we notice the small things, like God’s sparrows, we start to sing a bigger picture of wonder and possibility, created by a God redeeming all things. Sometimes we just have to look up.”
― Justin Cober-Lake
[ From our review ]


*** LISTEN to an interview
with Courtney Ellis about this book…


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