Dec. 24 – Michael Gorman – Romans: A Theological and Pastoral Commentary [Advent Calendar]

The Englewood Review of Books
Best Books of 2022
Advent Calendar
December 24


Romans: A Theological
and Pastoral Commentary

Michael Gorman

Hardback: Eerdmans, 2022
Buy Now: [  IndieBound ]  [  Amazon ]  [ Kindle

Gorman’s commentary is substantive, sophisticated, and accessible. Additionally, it employs Gorman’s key concepts of participation, mission, cruciformity and resurrectional cruciformity which are more fully defended and elucidated than in his other books. Those familiar with Gorman’s corpus will have an easier time following this commentary. However, this is a minor issue. Because of Gorman’s knowledge of Paul, and his ability to have an ecumenical vision that’s deeper than that which comes from simply parroting “Protestant” or “Roman Catholic” readings of Romans, Gorman manages to exegete the text seemingly free of pre-set denominational commitments. This book deserves a place on the shelves of pastors who preach on Romans, and in church libraries that assist readers in understanding Paul’s account of God’s work, so that believers can respond to that same grace, as Christ in the world.
-from our review by Aaron Klink
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