Dec. 19 – Lore Ferguson Wilbert- The Understory [Advent Calendar]

The Englewood Review of Books
Best Books of 2024
Advent Calendar
December 19


The Understory:
An Invitation to Rootedness and Resilience from the Forest Floor

Lore Ferguson Wilbert

Paperback: Brazos Press, 2024
Buy Now: [ BookShop ] [ Amazon ] [ Kindle ] [ Audible
“Part Wendell Berry, Eugene Peterson, and Madeleine L’Engle. The result is sheer magic.”
-A. J. Swoboda
“Wilbert tells one life’s story, but it is the vehicle for grief, not the focal point. She points out many times that she can only tell her side of the story which means other interpretations of events could be out there, too. In doing so, there is a humility that shifts her narrative; she is able to name her trials and the betrayal she felt from her family and Christian communities without retribution. Their stories are interwoven with hers and in doing so she gives these things to God and goes forth at whatever pace the day may bring.”
-from our review by Rachel Lonas
[ READ the full review ]


*** LISTEN TO our podcast conversation with the author about this book …

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