Reading Guides

Best Johnny Cash Books – Biographies and More!

Best Johnny Cash Books

This week marks the anniversary of the death of singer Johnny Cash in 2003… In honor of the prolific American singer / songwriter, here are some of the best Johnny Cash books — including both biographies and books by the songwriter.

Counting down through the Top 10 Best Johnny Cash Books … 

Best Johnny Cash Books

8.  The Man Comes Around: The Spiritual Journey of Johnny Cash

by Dave Urbanski

Who Was Johnny Cash? Rock star? Country boy? Folk hero? Preacher? Poet? Drug addict? Rebel? Sinner? Saint? In truth, the Man in Black lived long enough and hard enough to embody all of the above-and much, much more. He was a musical legend, a one-of-a-kind communicator, an American icon-but you could never pigeonhole him or pin him down. You never completely knew him…or what he was going to do next.

Cash’s faith in God was no different: “I’m still a Christian, as I have been all my life,” he once said. “Beyond that I get complicated.” Cash’s faith wasn’t smooth, slick, or sweet-it was grizzled, challenged, broken, and messy. Worlds away from perfect. But it was transparent … and real. Always real. The Man Comes Around: The Spiritual Journey of Johnny Cash explores with vivid, narrative detail the wild ups and downs, the highs and lows, the ebbs and flows, that took place within this man’s soul-from beginning to end. It’s his spiritual chronicle. His sacred story-yet one that no doubt describes, in one way or another, where we’ve all been…and perhaps where we’re all going.

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IMAGE CREDIT: Detail from cover of Robert Hilburn’s biography, Johnny Cash – The Life. [ BUY NOW ]


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