Conversations, Reading Guides, VOLUME 7

All Saints Day [A Reading List]

Tomorrow is All Saints Day, the day when the Church remembers the faithful ones who have gone before us.

To help you get acquainted with the saints, we recommend the following books.  We’ve tried to emphasize collections that feature the stories of a wide range of saints, as a reminder that we are all saints, and not just the super-heroes of faith (the Francises, the Mother Teresas, etc).


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[easyazon_link asin=”B00IIKL4LS” locale=”US” new_window=”default” nofollow=”default” tag=”douloschristo-20″ add_to_cart=”default” cloaking=”default” localization=”default” popups=”default”]Martyrs Mirror: The Story of Seventeen Centuries of Christian Martyrdom From the Time of Christ to A.D. 1660[/easyazon_link]

Although perhaps the least known of the books on this list, this Anabaptist collection of martyr’s stories is particularly compelling.

There is also a FREE online edition that you can browse.


Reading for the Common Good
From ERB Editor Christopher Smith

"This book will inspire, motivate and challenge anyone who cares a whit about the written word, the world of ideas, the shape of our communities and the life of the church."
-Karen Swallow Prior

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