The most popular post on our website over the last year (far and away), was our list of the Worst Christian Book Covers of 2012.
So, we are planning to run a list again this year, but we need your help to make this year’s list better and even funnier!
We have a box of 50+ books that we have received for review or that our editor Chris Smith has culled from his own library. (Lots of great stuff! CLICK HERE for the list…).
We will pick a winner from your submissions and he/she will get to choose 5 books from that list (could be valued at $100+ depending on the books chosen). A second-place winner will get to choose 3 books, and a third place winner will get to choose one book.
So, here’s how this will work….
Take a look at last year’s list for inspiration, then go here to start searching for bad covers.
(LGT: Amazon’s list Christian books released in 2013)
– Kindle and Print books are both eligible, though will we limit the number of Kindle ebooks on our final list
– We are the final arbiters of whether any book is “Christian” or not (Generally, if it is in Amazon’s Christian book section, we’ll accept it).
Using the comments below, here’s what you need to submit:
a) You will get bonus points if you share the link to this contest. Tell us where you shared it: Twitter, Facebook, Blog, etc.
b) Include a link to Amazon or elsewhere which has a large-ish picture of the cover.
c) Include a BRIEF comment on why you choose this cover (the funnier/snarkier, the better).
d) (OPTIONAL) You can actually include a picture in your comment, by clicking the icon in the bottom left corner. This might help your entry get more votes.
*** You are welcome to submit as many entries as you want, but submit each one as a separate comment.
3) VOTE:
Using the up and down arrows on DISQUS, tell us which submissions you like and don’t like (You can only vote once up or down for any submission).
Your votes will play an essential role (but not the only role) in our choosing the winner.
The contest will run for 12 days,
and end on MONDAY NOVEMBER 4, 2013 at 11PM PT…
Here are a couple of examples of possible worst Christian book covers from this year (these are not contest entries)…
Surely you can find better ones!
[easyazon-image align=”none” asin=”B00F3FNRAC” locale=”us” height=”333″ src=”” width=”222″]Hmmm… I’m guessing that stabbing is probably not on this list. | [easyazon-image align=”none” asin=”B00DGSCNGM” locale=”us” height=”333″ src=”” width=”222″]And what exactly makes this cupcake Christian? The lily-white icing? |
C. Christopher Smith is the founding editor of The Englewood Review of Books. He is also author of a number of books, including most recently How the Body of Christ Talks: Recovering the Practice of Conversation in the Church (Brazos Press, 2019). Connect with him online at:
FREE EBOOK! Reading for the Common Good From ERB Editor Christopher Smith "This book will inspire, motivate and challenge anyone who cares a whit about the written word, the world of ideas, the shape of our communities and the life of the church." -Karen Swallow Prior Enter your email below to sign up for our weekly newsletter & download your FREE copy of this ebook! |
Understanding Christian Nationalism [A Reading Guide] |
Most Anticipated Books of the Fall for Christian Readers! |
Hilarious One-Star Customer Reviews of Bibles |
Because Vikings hang out on the prairie… and don’t where shirts… and carry guns rather than Viking weapons.
It’s “wear” shirts, not “where”.
There ARE nicer ways to say “sex doll” – and I guess “homespun bride” MIGHT be one of them…?,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA278_PIkin4,BottomRight,-68,22_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpg
Father Calloway purports to be “telling us what it means to be ‘under Mary’s Mantle.’” Evidently it means grooming yourself like Don Johnson in ‘Miami Vice.’ And surfing.
Just… wow.
Publishing 101: How to spell your title correctly
3 days and 3 nights of what? Monopoly? Because if so, that might be “to” hard for God.
The Planting Wife
With her face cut off and light rays emanating from her hips, it makes this look like the planting wife is some kind of supernateral fertility being rather than a christian ministry book.
(p.s. I shared this whole page on my facebook page)
Genesis (Japan)
I assume this is Eve shedding the first tear.
Shared on my blog:
Is she vomiting or screaming?
Funny! This one came out last year and was on our list for 2012:
They’re everywhere!
I did not know that “meh” was part of the Amish vocabulariy, but it was great to see it facially depicted on this book. One gets so tired of seeing the cute young things with the sweet faces on all these Amish romances.
Driscoll’s irony better be intentional or this is just in bad taste:
Attack of the Wolfabominable SnowDog… A Christmas story -or- When Christmas Dog Attack, How I Survived the Winter Apocalypse of ’68.
This is a salacious story. Because legs.
This is a Christian story. Because Church.
Look, legs!
Like that this one is published by “Pure Thoughts Publishing”.
Edgar, red is really in right now, isn’t it?
Yes, Merl. Also, CAPITALS. That way they know we mean SERIOUS BUSINESS.
Last one… for now — Bobble-head Bonneted Barbara, on sale now for $29.99. Call now and we’ll throw in a free horse and barn. (Some restrictions apply. Accepting this offer does not guarantee that you will, in fact, find romance.)
Via Tyler Delong…
Amazon Best-Selling Novelist, Faith Grace, continues the story of Marissa Miller, who has just moved from her comfort zone to get close to handsome Levi Bender. Can she get past the loss of Melvin? Just as she thinks she can, a family secret is exposed, all while more are in the process as someone sets out to sabotage her and Levi’s relationship.
For winter lovin’
Can’t get the picture up but here’s the link:
CONGRATS to our three winners in this contest:
(We will post our ranked list of the worst Xian Book Covers of 2013 tomorrow!)
1st Place: Alex Dye for AMISH VAMPIRES IN SPACE:
2nd Place: Lesli Summerstay for
3rd Place: Kimberly Roth for