Podcast Episode 45: Michael Gorman & Nijay Gupta

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Our podcast producer Joel Wentz takes over the podcast for a Biblical Studies-themed discussion with two fantastic scholars. They discuss their scholarly work, but also consider the challenges and blessings of writing for both academic and popular-level audiences.

Michael J. Gorman is the Raymond E. Brown Professor of Biblical Studies and Theology at St. Mary’s Seminary & University in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, where he has taught since 1991. He is a New Testament scholar who specializes especially in the letters, theology, and spirituality of the apostle Paul. He is the author of many articles on biblical interpretation and on ethics, and nearly 20 books, most recently Romans: A Theological and Pastoral Commentary from Eerdmans.

Nijay Gupta is a second-time guest on the ERB podcast! He is currently professor of New Testament at Northern Seminary, and has also written much on the Apostle Paul including Worship That Makes Sense to Paul and Paul and the Language of Faith. He has also written numerous academic articles for journals such as Journal for the Study of the New Testament and The Catholic Biblical Quarterly and is co-editor of the planned second edition of the Dictionary of Paul and His Letters (InterVarsity Press). His most recent book is “15 New Testament Words of Life” from Zondervan.

Books/Writing Mentioned in this Episode:

If you’d like to order any of the following books, we encourage you to do so from Hearts and Minds Books(An independent bookstore in Dallastown, PA, run by Byron and Beth Borger) 

  • Romans: A Theological and Pastoral Commentary by Michael Gorman
  • Worship That Makes Sense to Paul by Nijay Gupta
  • Paul and the Language of Faith by Nijay Gupta
  • 15 New Testament Words of Life: A New Testament Theology for Real Life by Nijay Gupta
  • Cruciformity: Paull’s Narrative Theology of the Cross by Michael Gorman
  • Apostle of the Crucified Lord: A Theological Introduction to Paul and His Letters by Michael Gorman
  • A Beginner’s Guide to New Testament Studies: Understanding Key Debates by Nijay Gupta
  • Paul and the Gift by John Barclay
  • Paul and the Power of Grace by John Barclay
  • “The This-Worldiness of the New Testament’s Otherworldly Spirituality” (Essay) by Michael Gorman
  • Colossians (Commentary) by Nijay Gupta
  • Reading Revelation Responsibly: Uncivil Worship and Witness – Following the Lamb into the New Creation by Michael Gorman
  • The Roman Guide to Slave Management: A Treatise by Nobleman Marcus Sidonius Falx by Jerry Toner
  • Political Gospel: Public Witness in a Politically Crazy World by Patrick Schreiner
  • The Lost Letters of Pergamum: A Story From the New Testament World by Bruce Longenecker
  • Foretaste of the Future: Reading Revelation in Light of God’s Mission by Dean Flemming
  • fiftywordstories.com 
  • Midwest Futures by Phil Christman

If you’d like to order any of the above books, we encourage you to do so from Hearts and Minds Books
(An independent bookstore in Dallastown, PA, run by Byron and Beth Borger)

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