Conversations, VOLUME 8

Neighborhood Economics – A Reading List.


Really enjoyed the Neighborhood Economics conference in Cincinnati this week, and left with much to think about!

What is Neighborhood Economics?  Peter Block has described it this way:

“Neighborhood Economics is an idea committed to accelerating the flow of capital into resident driven entrepreneurial enterprise. It calls us to shift how we think about ending poverty. It brings the world of social investors, community builders, community philanthropists, residents and local neighborhood leaders into the same conversations. This is what a systems approach to economic and racial justice is going to require.”

I came away from the conference with a hefty list of books that I hope to read (or re-read). 

Here are some highlights from that list:

[easyazon_image align=”left” height=”160″ identifier=”1119194725″ locale=”US” src=”” tag=”douloschristo-20″ width=”107″][easyazon_link identifier=”1119194725″ locale=”US” tag=”douloschristo-20″]An Other Kingdom: Departing the Consumer Culture[/easyazon_link]

Walter Brueggemann, Peter Block, John McKnight

Coming Jan 2016.

This book sketches the basic narrative that Neighborhood Economics is working from, and parallels Brueggemann’s opening keynote at this week’s conference.

CLICK HERE for a detailed outline of the book’s contents


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From ERB Editor Christopher Smith

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