
Laurie Garrett – Stop COVID-19 or Face Economic Collapse – Interview

Laurie Garrett COVID-19 interviewA powerful public radio interview with Laurie Garrett, Pulitzer prize-winning author of:

The Coming Plague: Newly Emerging Diseases in a World Out of Balance
Laurie Garrett

Paperback: Penguin, 1995
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I encourage you to listen to the full interview, but it really gets going about 6 minutes in… Here’s a summary of the last minute or two:

While we wait for a safe and effective vaccine, Garrett stresses that Americans need to keep taking coronavirus precautions seriously to stop the spread. Part of the problem is this pandemic has been heavily driven by outbreaks in nursing homes, she says.

“Most of America doesn’t think about people in nursing homes,” she says. “They’re warehoused old people. We’ve already written them off.”

Garrett urges anyone who has this attitude to do “some serious reality checking,” just like the soul searching many have undergone in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death and the protests against police brutality that followed.

“It’s time that we stop having such a callous attitude. You might not see it. They’re not rolled out on the sidewalk for your public viewing, and maybe you don’t care about people over 80 years old,” she says. “Maybe you think anybody that’s lived to be 70 has had an adequate life. I don’t happen to agree. I find it deeply offensive.” (via

Listen to the full interview:

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