Episode 18: Christina Bieber Lake and Matt Mikalatos

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Joel Wentz takes over the podcast to host an episode all about speculative fiction! He is joined by two first-time guests for a wide-ranging and enthusiastic conversation about the importance of reading speculative fiction, and the crucial role such literature can play in our culture. 

Christina Bieber Lake is the Clyde S. Kilby professor of English at Wheaton College where she teaches courses in subjects such ad contemporary American literature and literary theory. Her work helps readers explore the moral imagination, particularly through deep engagement with fiction and poetry. She also has a passion for helping teachers succeed in their work, evidenced by her most recent book: The Flourishing Teacher: Vocational Renewal for a Sacred Profession (which was just published this past summer by IVP Academic). Her other books are: Beyond the Story: American Literary Fiction and the Limits of Materialism, The Incarnational Art of Flannery O’Connor, and Prophets of the Posthuman: American Fiction, Biotechnology and the Ethics of Personhood

Matt Mikalatos, a resident of Portland, Oregon with his wife and three daughters, has been engaged with non-profit work all over the world for over 20 years, and is a co-host of the Fascinating Podcast, in addition to being a prolific writer. His writing has been featured in publications like Time, Relevant, Nature and Daily Science Fiction, and his wide array of books include titles like: Sky Lantern: The Story of a Father’s Love for his Children and the Healing Power of the Smallest Act of Kindness; Good News for a Change: How to Talk to Anyone About Jesus; The Sunlit Lands fantasy book series (currently including The Crescent Stone and The Heartwood Crown).

Books mentioned in this episode:

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