Englewood Honor Books – Best Books of 2013

Here is our list of 2013′s Englewood Honor Books, the Best Books of the year for the life and flourishing of the Church.

Our criterion both for selecting books to review and for honoring the year’s best books is to choose books that are “for the life and flourishing of the Church” – i.e., books that energize us to be the local community of God’s people that God has called us to be and that nurture our mission of following in the way of God’s reconciliation of all things (in all its broadness!)
This list originally appeared in our Advent 2013 print issue.  For this issue, our Art Editor, Brent Aldrich depicted the covers of the year’s very best books as Christmas cookies. We are delighted to share pictures of those cookies here.

2013 Book of the Year:


Englewood Honor Books


[easyazon-link asin=”0674724720″ locale=”us”]Slow Reading in a Hurried Age[/easyazon-link]
by David Mikics

Hardback: Harvard UP

Watch for our review of this book on our website next week!!!
Slow Reading in a Hurried Age is a practical guide for anyone who yearns for a more meaningful and satisfying reading experience, and who wants to sharpen reading skills and improve concentration. David Mikics, a noted literary scholar, demonstrates exactly how the tried-and-true methods of slow reading can provide a more immersive, fulfilling experience. He begins with fourteen preliminary rules for slow reading and shows us how to apply them. The rules are followed by excursions into key genres, including short stories, novels, poems, plays, and essays.
Reading, Mikics says, should not be drudgery, and not mere escape either, but a way to live life at a higher pitch. A good book is a pathway to finding ourselves, by getting lost in the words and works of others.
Slow Reading describes a practice that has the potential to transform not only the lives of individuals but also the culture of neighborhoods and the world at large. Humanity is in dire need of habits that help us slow down and be attentive to the marvels of life that surround us at any given moment, and Slow Reading is one such practice that points us in the way of health and salvation in the midst of our fast, consumer culture.



Reading for the Common Good
From ERB Editor Christopher Smith

"This book will inspire, motivate and challenge anyone who cares a whit about the written word, the world of ideas, the shape of our communities and the life of the church."
-Karen Swallow Prior

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