The Englewood Review of Books
Best Books of 2017
Advent Calendar
December 5
*** Best Poetry Book ***
[easyazon_image align=”left” height=”250″ identifier=”0892554789″ locale=”US” src=”” tag=”douloschristo-20″ width=”167″]The Virginia State Colony
for Epileptics and Feebleminded:
Molly McCully Brown
Paperback: Persea Books, 2017
Buy Now: [ [easyazon_link identifier=”0892554789″ locale=”US” tag=”douloschristo-20″]Amazon[/easyazon_link] ]
“Molly McCully Brown’s first book of poems, ‘The Virginia State Colony for Epileptics and Feebleminded,’ is part history lesson, part séance, part ode to dread. It arrives as if clutching a spray of dead flowers. It is beautiful and devastating.
The title refers to an actual place. The Virginia State Colony for Epileptics and Feebleminded was a government-run residential hospital in Amherst County, Va. It opened in 1910.
Its doctors were eugenicists. From the mid-1920s through the mid-1950s, thousands of patients, seen as defectives and moral nonentities, were sterilized without their consent. For many if not most of its residents, it was a house of horrors.”
- from the New York Times review,
by Dwight Garner
*****LISTEN to an interview that
McCully Brown did with NPR’s Terry Gross
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