Dec. 13 – Jemar Tisby – The Color of Compromise [Advent Calendar]

The Englewood Review of Books
Best Books of 2019
Advent Calendar
December 13


 The Color of Compromise:
The Truth about the American Church’s Complicity in Racism

Jemar Tisby

Hardback: Zondervan, 2019
Buy Now: [  Amazon ]  [ Kindle ]  [ Audible ]

*** Our 2019 Book of the Year!!!


“The Color of Compromise offers something for those who are only beginning their journey of racial awareness as well as readers who have been walking down this road for their entire lives. The final chapter, The Fierce Urgency of Now, inspires us to not only wonder how could things be different but then to actually imagine what could I do to help bring that about?

Early on Tisby writes, “This book says, ‘Don’t look away.’ Don’t look away from Christians using the Bible to justify the inferiority of African people. Don’t look away from the political cowardice Christians displayed when they could have changed the laws of the land. Don’t look away from the nation’s bloodiest war, which was fought over the issue of human bondage, and the many Christians who risked their lives to preserve it…. Don’t look away from the horror of the American church when it comes to race.”

With regard to the church, our country, and racism, there is indeed a “fierce urgency of now.” The challenge is before us. How we respond starts with a willingness to not look away but rather to be confronted and grieved by the sins of our past.”


*** WATCH a talk by the author on this book…



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Reading for the Common Good
From ERB Editor Christopher Smith

"This book will inspire, motivate and challenge anyone who cares a whit about the written word, the world of ideas, the shape of our communities and the life of the church."
-Karen Swallow Prior

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